Saturday, September 11, 2010

Meanwhile at the fortress of doom

Went out last night for the first time in at least 400 years. It was actually a lot of fun. I meet up with all my girls and we thrashed on the dance floor for a while.

I had two groups of friends with me, and they didn't know about each other very well so it was awesome and stuff having Lauren, Erica, Alex and James dancing with Julie, Bronwyn, Karley and Jen. Bronwyn came a bit late so she didn't understand the dynamic very well and she thought that Erica was making eyes at me and I was like 'Oh that's just Erica. I know her.'

And then Erica pulls me aside later and she asks 'So who's your good looking friend?' Talking about Bronwyn. She was quite taken with Bronwyn, actually. And Bronwyn seemed to like her too. I mean, I don't think anything will really come of that but it's still nice to know that my friends are pretty hot.

There was totally a fight by the bathroom too. A bulldyke and a femme were totally fighting and everyone at the bar had to get up and pull them off each other. It was really awkward. I've actually never seen a fight like that in public before so I was just kind of sitting there not knowing what to do. I've decided that I don't like fights... D: Not even to watch. I hate stuff like that! Confrontations make me so nervous and icky feeling inside, even if they don't involve me. Like that time my dad fought with that guy at the gas station. That sucked...

Anyways, Erica was feeling kind of sickish and tired and she was SO SO drunk. Poor girl. So Bronwyn and Erica and I all went back to Bronwyn's place and she's got a pretty nice set up, that kid. She even has a themed bedroom. The theme is black and white swirls. And I ate some Reese puffs cereal because I was starving to death. Oh god I love Reese puffs...

I called a taxi and left after a bit. Erica stayed at Bronwyn's place and they were totally getting their cuddling on. :o It was kind of adorable but also lame. I wonder if they hooked up? I'll have to consult Bronwyn about it later. I'm actually really curious to know how the rest of their night went.

But I don't want to be held responsible for any drama! Erica and Bronwyn, though I love them to death, both have a lot of drama that seems to follow them everywhere.

Ah well, that's it for now. I'm in a much better mood than before!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

There are no attractive people on campus day 3

Starting out my brand sparking new school year at Algonquin College has taught me a very important lesson: This is where all the ugly people go.

Holy shit, is it ever. I feel bad for saying it but it's so true. I guess Ottawa U was different because the majority of the people going there had French background. Whereas Algonquin has... English background? Apparently being French or English can be a big decider in attractiveness. Gross.

Well, seeing as I'm English all the way with just a teensy bit of Swedish tossed in, I guess I fall under the ugly category. I used to think I was an alright looking person but that was before my skin suddenly screamed 'Fuck this noise!' and turned into something resembling pizza both in appearance and grease content.

To that I say, "What the hell?!" I'm a twenty something year old, my days of acne should be behind me not ahead of me. And there's absolutely no reason for this weird outbreak. I've been avoiding soda and coffee and chocolate. I barely touch food in general, let alone greasy food. I wash my face with special soap twice, sometimes three times a day. Every three days or so I use a scrubbing wash to remove all that crap on my face... and yet, this. (I even Michelle Phan'd that shit and used ASPIRIN WASH which apparently ups your chances of getting sunburn by 6000%)

It's as if my body just said recently, "You know, I think it's time you were forced to develop some character, you boring, ugly fuck."

At least I'll fit in with my new peers. Perhaps we were all attractive people in the beginning. Maybe Algonquin does stuff to people. Makes you deteriorate. That's the only explanation I can think of to explain why I saw a girl with a Sailormoon backpack and fuzzy cat girl ears on her head walking around in the halls.

What is it with people and anime? As a reformed japanophile, I can look back on it with disgust and self-loathing. And shame. Anime is shameful. No one wants to know that you watch anime. As soon as people know that you watch anime, it opens up a whole slew of ideas to them. Ideas involving an indulgent childhood, an addiction to binge eating and numerous Friday nights spent watching Naruto.

I fear that if I give myself too much leniency, I'll fall back into that vicious cycle.

I went on a date recently (no it didn't go anywhere), and the person I was meeting told me that I was awkward. Christ, there's no worse blow to someone's self esteem, is there? Awkward. I'd built up a carefully-constructed persona of sardonic wit, cool aloofness and excellent comedic timing. People tell me I'm hilariously sarcastic and one of the coolest people they know. And then I get this 'you were awkward' thing and it all goes to hell. I was awkward in high school. I've since put on my big boy pants and grown up. No, apparently not. I'm just the same awkward dope I've always been, just in a slightly more fashionable package.

Even that's gone to hell. I'm wearing a shirt my mom bought me from St. John's Newfoundland. And jeans. And sneakers. And a plaid shirt over top. That's it, baby. You try oozing out of bed at 5 am and staring bleary-eyed at your closet, trying to make sense of all the confusion before just picking up a potato sack and kitchen knife lying on the floor and widdling some clothes that at least match. I actually bought this really awesome, sexy vest. No, it was actually really sexy, trust me. It's the kind of vest that sort of says, "I was a former English student but I haven't lost the flair."

Only I have lost the flair. Because I can't find the vest.

I suspect that someone I live with has taken it. Maybe I'll see it in a few years but by then denim vests will be in again, along with high, high waisted jeans. Luckily I have at least one of those aspects covered.

There is seriously no one I want to sleep with on campus. It is just that bad. I keep looking up as someone walks by but... wow... just nothing. I guess I should lower my standards to go with my new and improved really bad skin and awkwardness.

Coming soon to an anime convention near you!

I'll die first.

This is a big post because I have a shit ton of time to kill. I'm in the multimedia program here at the Gonq. I'm told it has an 80% success rate. I think, so does high school so I'm pretty much in the clear, I think.

I've already been doing the post-secondary thing for two years so going back into a first year class, I see a lot of young people. Like fresh out of high school young. Like people you'd take the long way home to avoid if you saw them hanging around in the streets. Little pissers. There's exactly one older person in my classes and she's at least 47 years old. Naturally, I befriended her and now we're two peas in a pod. A withered, wrinkled old pod. A husk of a pod, really.

This is the group of people who probably had Ke$ha playing at their grad. Let that sink in for a minute. Their graduation song was motherfucking 'Your love is my drug' or whatever the fuck that song is called.

My god there are a lot of fat people around here. I could easily go down that route. I'm not talking like, a little bit heavy here. I'm talking HUGE like that one guy from Lost. Neck beards abundant.

I have the obesity gene on one side of my family and the 'so skinny you could blow away into dust' gene on the other side. So I could have gone either way but actually I sit somewhere in between. I'm fattish, but just enough in betweeny that I really don't appeal to any demographic. I'm on the fringes of body type society. Like in Hollywood if you want to be a 'natural' woman you have to be pretty fat, otherwise you're a plank of wood. There's no acceptable in between. I like how people talk about embracing healthy body types when their idea of healthy is morbidly obese. Like, way to offshoot that goal, media. Just aim a little bit lower next time... there you go.

There's a Queer Students Association meet and greet next Friday which I plan to attend. I'll finally be with my people again. They'll probably all be ugly though. Maybe cat girl will be there. No, she most certainly will be. And she'll hit on me. Because that's my life.

I went to Lookout once and I said to myself 'I'll dance with anyone except that one really gross looking girl over there' and who approaches me? Well obviously that one person I didn't want to dance with. Karma's a bitch, just remember that. Karma and how to appease it 101 should be a class in high school. A required class. Remember kids, if you don't give out enough tips at restaurants and get snappy like a bitch with people a little too often, Karma never forgives you. Karma is like Santa Clause from hell. Karma has you on a motherfucking list and she will never let you go once she's got you.

Never evarb.

Those few years are crucial because after that, that's it. That's all you get. You can never make peace with Karma if you fucked up the crucial years. Even if you spend the rest of your life giving to charity and rescuing homeless cats. Even if you give that ugly chick on the dance floor a chance only to have her tell you she's in love with you within ten minutes of speaking. That's it, boys and girls. Karma never forgives. She's like that really old angry person that everyone knows. That old person who will never forgive you for accidentally sitting in that spot on the bus that they were sort of thinking about sitting at eventually.

At least when you're old, you're allowed to be bitter. You're pretty much expected to be bitter. People are always pleasantly surprise when an old person is friendly. But why would they be? Once you're old, everyone talks to you like you're a five year old, in that high-pitched false voice like they use on Dora the Explorer. Which I'm totally taping right now because I'm missing the new episode. When you're old, no one gives a shit about your needs and demands. Old people are abused at retirement homes because everyone just thinks they're insane when they complain.

Ow fuck. I need to get up and walk around. My legs are too fat to be folded for any length of time. Peace for now. Rant to continue later.